I’m sure by now you’ve heard of evergreen content. It’s basically writing content that is relevant anytime.

While not everyone loves writing, if you write about what you know, then it can be enjoyable. Even if it’s just a couple of paragraphs. This will give you a start on ideas for evergreen content for any online business.

ideas for evergreen content

What’s evergreen content?

Basically, evergreen content is the kind that your online business can share over and over and point people to.

I say there’s two reasons why it’s “evergreen.” Firstly, because it’s information that isn’t dated and/or will still apply years down the road (you can always add little updates to evergreen content in the future, if needed). Secondly, evergreen content is the kind that people will search for online, years after it’s been created.

Of course, the things that never go stale would be things like documentation on how to use your product or service. The difference in this case? Writing up something that’s the same as what’s on your product label, but content that’s more fun, interesting, and above all, sharable and won’t go stale. Hopefully, you’ll come away from this article with some inspiration to come up with some ideas for evergreen content to have on your own website.

Some ideas for evergreen content can be:

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

OK this one is obvious, right? The FAQ page is a common page most companies immediately think of when creating their website structure. This fact alone makes it the OG of evergreen content (heh).

But if you never thought of it before, here’s what makes it valuable: Why not offer your website visitors the answers to the most common questions and issues you hear about regularly, when it comes to your product or service? Not only will you save time referring customers to your FAQ page, you can also refer to it in other ways.

Pre-sale Questions

This basically tacks on to the FAQ as one of the best ideas for evergreen content, but if your FAQ only covers questions that customers have, then sometimes, you may find yourself needing to create a way to address other questions from potential customers as well.

Jargon Glossary or List of Definitions

There’s a good chance you may need to share some terms with your audience about your product or service that they may not be aware of. This can happen to every online business, even those who try to simplify their content language at all costs. Set these terms in an easy-to-find place or as a link within your FAQ, which is one place some folks may look, to understand a term you use frequently


You often see these types of articles on company sites, most of them are smart and use keyword-rich phrases for the titles, like [name of your product or service] + actionable words like: Tutorial – How-To – Where – Checklist – Tips. You could actually get even more leverage out of this if you wrote up both a beginner’s guide and an advanced user’s guide.

Another great guide idea for evergreen content is a buyer’s guide. You’re the expert in your product or service for a reason. Your audience is looking to trust you with answers. And buyer’s guides are a great way to become an authority in their eyes. Illustrate your knowledge with an article how to best choose the products or services. Tell them which criteria to compare other similar products or services. Examples: What color or size to look for, how much these things usually cost vs other brands, warranty, etc.


A lot of people are visually-oriented. Maybe you’ve mapped out a workflow or explanation of how just exactly something you sell works, so your customers or clients can better understand or use it. Why not share that with your audience in the form of an infographic? Another great idea for evergreen content is using infographics to outline trends in your industry, or one that illustrates before and after results of a product or service you offer. Infographics can encompass many things, once you start thinking about them.

Recipes & shopping lists

If you’re in the food industry, offer recipes. Even with all the food trends that change all the time, people love browsing recipes to inspire them in the kitchen. Another idea would be grocery shopping lists you can have visitors sign up to download, which can be an easy accompaniment to your recipes for double the evergreen content.

Gift ideas guide

Maybe your product or service makes a good gift, and you could create gift guides to show your audience ways to offer it as a gift.

Bottom line:

Whatever content you’d like to share with your audience that you think will be valuable to them and have long-lasting impact and usefulness that’s always relevant, will be evergreen content.

Do you have any other ideas for evergreen content? Feel free to share!